By: Bianca and Vivian Nova
This spring, Varun, a Synchrony employee, led a workshop with the teen council on financial literacy. As high school students, we don’t receive a financial literacy class, so it was nice to have someone come in and be a guest speaker on this topic during one of our meetings. This is a very important topic for us, and the more we learn about it, the more successful we can be with the money we earn this summer and in the future.
Varun gave us 3 different financial literacy worksheets and walked us through each scenario.They were a vacation budget activity, a banking activity, and a stock picking activity. We enjoyed the vacation budget planning because we could actually use the spreadsheet and other tools he gave us for our personal use. We learned about compound interest and started to talk about what the stock market means for the economy. Practical activities like this are really helpful for all of the teens, and we could even share it with our parents!
It was a very informative and useful session and we are thankful for Synchrony for doing this for us! Synchrony Skills Academy is a program division of Synchrony Financial. It is intended to help students learn technology skills and get experiences in the field so that we are ready to enter the workforce. This is offered to high school and college students. Thank you Varun!