Through the joy of music, INTEMPO helps children express themselves artistically and build skills that will serve them in every aspect of their lives.
Children across Fairfield County, CT participate in our flagship music school, in-school music programs, summer camp, concerts and community engagements.
Learn about the fascinating world of Andean and traditional Ecuadorian music from musical researcher and composer Mario Godoy Aguirre
Aprende sobre el fascinante mundo de la música andina y tradicional ecuatoriana del investigador musical y compositor Mario Godoy Aguirre.
Come dance with us! Join our interactive dance workshop led by folk dance choreographer Miriam Reyes. No dance experience is required—just bring your energy and get ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant Andean musical styles of Peru and Ecuador.
$10 for Adults - FREE for children
¡Ven a bailar con nosotros! Únete a nuestro taller de danza interactivo dirigido por la coreógrafa de danza folklórica Miriam Reyes. No se requiere experiencia en danza—solo trae tu energía y prepárate para sumergirte en los vibrantes estilos musicales andinos de Perú y Ecuador.
$10 para Adultos | GRATIS para Niños
Join us for INTEMPO’s annual Cultural Crossover Concert, celebrating The Andes: Music of the Mountains, in partnership with the Norwalk Youth Symphony. Over 100 young musicians will perform traditional Andean music in a symphonic celebration, with Geo Suquillo, our lead teaching artist.
Acompáñanos en el concierto anual Cultural Crossover de INTEMPO, celebrando Los Andes: Música de las Montañas, en colaboración con la Orquesta Juvenil de Norwalk. Más de 100 jóvenes músicos interpretarán música tradicional andina en una celebración sinfónica, con Geo Suquillo, nuestro artista docente principal.